The eSwingo, which delivers noiseless, carbon-free cleaning, is proving extremely popular with local authorities and private contractors alike.

According to Aebi Schmidt, one machine can save up to 158kg of CO2 per day, can run for up to 10 hours without recharging and offers virtually soundless sweeping.

Nottingham City Council recently ordered seven eSwingos to help meet its target of becoming the UK’s first carbon neutral city, having set a deadline of 2028 to achieve a net zero goal.

Southampton City Council is also seeing electrifying results from its fleet of four eSwingos, which are making a vital contribution to meeting the council’s environmental objectives under its Greener City Charter.

The eSwingo offers both local authorities and private service providers sustainable cutting-edge technology and an inclusive package covering all service, maintenance and performance needs.

John Saint, sales manager at Aebi Schmidt, commented: ‘Naturally, we are delighted to win this award for the eSwingo which is proving to be extremely popular with local authorities up and down the country.

‘Customers like the fact that it delivers emission-free, noiseless sweeping which makes it very effective for use in urban areas. It was certainly a major attraction on our stand at RWM and Let’s Recycle Live!’