The mayor of North East Lincolnshire Council is paving the way for a greener borough with a new electric car.
The council is decarbonising its fleet of vehicles as part of its response to the climate emergency declaration.
The ultra-low emission vehicle – a Volkswagen ID4 1st Edition, with a range up to 322 miles – will be used to get the mayor out and about on the road while he is visiting the people of North East Lincolnshire.
Mayor David Hasthorpe said: ‘This is a great investment in a Civic car that shows North East Lincolnshire to be at the forefront of further green technology as it evolves. Where we lead, others will follow.’
The council is making progress supporting the carbon neutral roadmap since 2016, with 19 electric vans and 12 electric cars in use by the end of 2021. Sixteen per cent of the current fleet is now fully electric.