The bus can be driven to the heart of any area in Enfield where youth provision is lacking, and it is designed to attract young people who wouldn’t want to or be able to engage in activities in a youth centre or similar location.
The bus is an additional service provided by the council’s youth development service and complements the offer in Enfield’s existing five youth centres.
Enfield Council’s cabinet member for children’s services, Cllr Abdul Abdullahi, said: ‘The youth bus can be deployed to the most socially deprived wards where there is no youth provision and will have the flexibility to go wherever the need is greatest – this could be in an estate, town centre, bus station or an open space where young people socialise.
‘We know some people don’t want to go to youth centres, so it’s important that we can provide a service that reaches out to young people and goes directly to them. With regular engagement activities, the professionals on board can build effective and meaningful relationships and help develop strategies so every person on the bus leaves with a sense of purpose.
‘Our youth provisions and early help interventions will ultimately safeguard vulnerable young adults and prevent situations from escalating.’