A new Vehicle Rental Framework to help the public sector adopt electric vehicles and create car club and pool car schemes has been launched.
The framework, launched by The Procurement Partnership Limited (TPPL) in partnership with Commercial Services Kent Limited (CSKL), will provide UK public bodies with a compliant route to 41 vehicle rental companies for the next four years.
It includes two new lots that will enable public sector to harness new technology and meet carbon zero targets.
Lot 4 will allow the transition to electric vehicles without the need for long term fixed contracts, while lot 5 offers car clubs and pool car schemes that include travel management and smart mobility solutions
James Brennan, TPPL managing director, said: ‘We are proud to support public sector organisations in achieving economic and environmental benefits, through the provision of 2 new lots scoped to enhance the flexibility and operational management of vehicle rental solutions via step-change technology.'