This move, a part of the largest mobile coverage survey ever undertaken, will provide valuable insights into connectivity issues in every area of the county, helping the council boost mobile connectivity for residents and businesses.
It is being funded with support from the River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region (RSPAWIR) which has been awarded £3.75m of funding from the Government to support the growth of wireless innovation and technology in some of its key economic sectors.
Cllr Adam Kent, the council’s Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills, highlighted the importance of the initiative locally.
‘We know that issues with mobile connectivity have a huge impact on businesses, people and communities,’ he said.
‘I hear from many people around the county that the mobile signal in certain areas is worse than it was 12 months ago.
‘It’s a priority of mine, and the council, to do what we can to understand where, why, and what is needed to improve this as we understand the negative impact this can have.
‘The first step is getting a better understanding of where the issues are and with the data collection from the bin lorries, this will help.’
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