Electric-powered equipment will soon be cleaning the streets of Wood Green, Haringey Council and resource management firm Veolia have announced.

A new electric cage tipper will take to the streets of the north London commercial district, collecting waste from flats above shops, cleaning litter bins, and removing wet fly-posting and graffiti.
In a UK first for Veolia, three barrows will be replaced by electric-powered models, making them easier for street cleansing operatives to manoeuvre.
The additions to Veolia Haringey’s waste management operations can all be charged using a 240V power socket.
Veolia in Haringey’s senior contracts manager, Paul Peters, said: ‘At Veolia, we strive not only towards an improved recycling rate but also towards a greener and safer future for all.’
Haringey Council’s cabinet member for resident services and tackling inequality, Seema Chandwani, said: ‘Wood Green is a vibrant hub and is home to a wide range of shops, restaurants, a great library and popular youth centre.
‘Our investment in new electronic cleansing equipment will enhance our efforts to ensure Wood Green continues to attract thousands of shoppers and visitors each week.’
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