The 12 Kubota B2261 Tractors, bought from local firm Lloyd Ltd Bishop Auckland, have been fitted with salt spreaders and snowblades.

They are being used to clear snow and spread salt on paths leading to medical centres and pharmacies, as well as in busy areas such as town centres, and may also be deployed to cemeteries so funerals can go ahead.

Durham County Council’s cabinet member for adult and health services, Chris Hood, said: ‘We know more slips and falls take place over the winter months and that many people, especially older and more vulnerable residents, are nervous about leaving the house in snowy conditions.

‘Winter is also a time when demand for GP and pharmacy services increases, and it is important people can access these facilities safely.

‘These tractors will support efforts to spread salt and clear snow from badly affected pathways quickly and efficiently, helping to reduce the risk of falls.’

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