Sustainable waste and recycling firm Biffa has launched a new health and safety platform that will be a ‘game-changer’ in how it manages risk.

Biffa has introduced EcoOnline – the online platform for managing risk and health and safety – across its whole delivery portfolio.
The recipient of a full five-star rating from the British Safety Council, the EcoOnline offers modules such as event tracking, incident reporting, risk assessment and audit management will help Biffa reduce the likelihood and severity of workplace harm.
Gary Carvell, Biffa’s group health and safety director, said: ‘EcoOnline is a real game-changer. It will revolutionise the way we manage risk across the business and follows the launch of our Safer Together programme in 2020 that centres on an interdependent approach, working collectively to ensure the safety of our people and those we work with.
‘The system will be available on people’s hand-held devices and mobile phones and can be used by everyone, from front-line operatives right through to the Executive team.
‘The platform makes it even easier to report hazards, near misses and incidents, and will present the information, accurately and quickly. It gives us an immediacy we didn’t have before, and a much greater insight into what’s going on in the business, turning that information into predictive data that will help us make informed decisions.’
Biffa’s lost-time injury rate has fallen by 300% over a ten-year period. Biffa has set itself a target of reducing LTIs by a further 50% by 2030.
Biffa will begin building the EcoOnline platform in November, with a launch date in early 2024.
Göran Lindö, CEO of EcoOnline, said: ‘This is a crucial first step in Biffa’s transformation towards a more efficient, compliant, sustainable and streamlined risk management system. EcoOnline’s digital software allows data to be centralised, tracked and monitored, making it easier for users to locate and understand safety guidelines.
‘Consistent and regular reporting is at the heart of Biffa’s ongoing commitment to full transparency, and the latest software can simplify incident management to help ensure that the company can continue to protect its employees.
‘Biffa is leading the charge in reducing workplace safety incidents, and I’m looking forward to seeing how our innovative technology can help take them to the next level with a user-friendly interface and on the go access to key information.’