Ray Barnett has over 15 years’ experience in telematics and tracking technology.
Mr Barnett said: ‘This is an exciting opportunity and one where I can make a difference.
‘I like the way the company is growing organically; the culture is very positive; the products are impressive; and the people are great.’
Fleetclear’s commercial director, James Attrell, said: ‘I’d like to welcome Ray to the Fleetclear family. He has an excellent understanding of the role of telematics, tracking and cameras in improving safety, efficiency, and compliance, and has experience working across a wide range of industries.’
The company was founded over a decade ago as vehicle safety and technology manufacturer Innovative Safety Systems Ltd (ISS), rebranding to Fleetclear in March 2022.
Now a fleet solution provider, Fleetclear said it works with over 60% of the UK’s local authorities.
Fleetclear Connect is a web-based fleet management software system, which the firm says is suitable for all vehicle types and combines hardware with GPS tracking, telematics, driver behaviour, advanced data analysis and processing techniques.
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