A Devon council has approved plans for a new waste vehicle depot despite concerns raised by residents.

Torridge District Council's plans committee approved the development of a new two-storey vehicle workshop and office, which will replace four existing depots and service the whole borough.
The local authority said the ‘modern, centralised’ facility would enable it to close the other depots, which were difficult to expand to meet modern requirements.
It also said the wider project would offer a wildlife area, developed in conjunction with the local primary school.
The committee heard that 64 residents opposed the plans, while just one person was in favour.
Concerns included harmful noise from vehicles, air pollution, odours, increased vermin, and harm to the appearance of the area – with the nearest home just 35m away.
But a council officer recommended the proposal was approved and said issues relating to noise, odour, dust and biodiversity were ‘not likely to result in significant adverse impacts’.
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