Since its inception, artificial intelligence has been transforming a great number of industries with resounding success. For those who’ve experienced the benefits, there’s simply no turning back. But there is still a large percentage that are reluctant to leave the intricacies of their operation and consequent decisions in the hands of a computer algorithm, particularly when the inner workings of machine learning are beyond immediate comprehension for most of us.

This begs the question: are we passing over decision making to the machine or are we enabling the machine to get us to better decision making? Therein lies the challenge that will inevitably unlock potential for many a fleet operator out there depending on which side of the fence they sit.

The term artificial intelligence was first coined by computer scientist and Stanford University professor John McCarthy in 1956. His view was that computer software had the potential to reason like a human, was capable of abstract thought, problem-solving and self-improvement – something that clearly rattled a few cages when it was first mooted.

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